Understanding our fully Managed Services

Our managed IT Services include Anti-virus software, patch management, CPU Utilization Reports, Network Health Overview Report, AV Status Report, Application/ Service Availability Report, and Disk and Memory Utilization Report. Let us give you the peace of mind you deserve with your small business today with TSIC Solution’s managed services.

What’s included in our Managed Services ?

How will you benefit from Managed Service ?

By using TSIC Solutions fully Managed Service you will benefit from :

Access to Professional IT Staff

Customers can feels as if they had an in-house IT staff — without the full-time employees costs. Based in Greater Montreal, you will have a access to a knowledgeable support staff that can be reached very easily for all your inquiries through our multiple communications platforms.

Savings & Predictable Spendings

Managed IT Services program saves you money by helping minimize expensive network disasters, receive substantial discounts on IT Services, clients pay one flat affordable rate and get all of the technical support needed. No hidden charges, caveats, or disclaimers.

Proactive Solutions

Our customers experience better performance, fewer glitches and practically zero downtime. Our Managed Services detect these problems early thus help preventing them from escalating into more expensive repairs and downtime.

Powerful Reports

Our reporting solution captures metrics on critical IT activities such as resource utilization, antivirus status, service availability, CPU usage, Physical memory usage and disk usage, threats blocked & even more.

Internet Security

In every day and business use, protection against Phishing sites, rootkits & macro malwares is really important to prevent loss of data or vital information. Our managed services helps you protect yourself against the malwares by filtering websites based on content, identifying fake websites posings as legitimate ones.

Network Attack Protection

Worried about your system and its data ? Protect yourself against intrusions coming from your local network, outside your network and from other computers. Using latest’s technologies on the market, we provide IDS, personal firewall and botnet protection.

Peace of mind

By using our fully Managed Service, you gain incredible peace of mind, having the knowledge that TSIC Solutions is making sure everything pertaining to your network security and reliability is handled properly, so you don’t have to worry about it. You have a business to run, we’ll take care of your computers!